UPDATE: Clara's Closet is open to clients on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00am-2:00pm, with appointments available on the hour. Please visit our website at clarasclosetbuffalo.org to schedule your appointment.
Social workers, case workers, and personnel from resettlement agencies can schedule online or via e-mail [email protected]. Agencies may phone (716) 217-5696 for immediate appointments and emergencies.
Social workers, case workers, and personnel from resettlement agencies can schedule online or via e-mail [email protected]. Agencies may phone (716) 217-5696 for immediate appointments and emergencies.
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it - Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:37-39
Matthew 22:37-39
HoursNo-cost shopping for Clients
Wednesdays and Thursdays by appointment only. Visit Clara's website clarasclosetbuffalo.org to schedule your appointment today! ![]() For updates, please visit our Facebook Page
AboutClara's Closet provides gently used and sometimes brand new clothing, hygiene and home goods to people who find themselves in need.
E-mail us directly at [email protected] or phone (716) 217-5696 At this time we are accepting new unopened:
Volunteer OpportunitiesClara's Closet is growing. The need to serve our clients is great. You may be the key to helping us serve our clients even better. Do you have a servant's heart? Would you like to make an impact on people by meeting some of their basic needs?
If you are interested in serving alongside us, please email us at [email protected] |
Clara’s Closet Refugee Services, Inc. is a 501c3 organization dedicated to serving refugees and low-income persons in the City of Buffalo. Clara’s Closet is located in the basement level of Central Park United Methodist Church, 216 Beard Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14214.
Welcome The Stranger In 1999, a group of parishioners from Central Park United Methodist Church, Refreshing Springs Church and Hope Kensington United Methodist Church joined together with Journey’s End Resettlement Services to sponsor a newly-arriving refugee family from Sudan to the Buffalo area. The family was welcomed into the Central Park fellowship of worship and a new chapter in the church’s mission life was born. Clara Small (1929 - 2017) was a pioneer in leading the Central Park's congregation to establish the ministry that now bears her name, and we are grateful for her years of dedicated service on behalf of Buffalo’s refugee community. Clara's Closet Ministry has serviced thousands of refugees and needy persons in the years since it was first established. Predicated on our Savior’s words in Matthew 25, the ministry seeks to minister to “the least of these” by clothing the naked and welcoming the stranger. In this way, we believe we are fulfilling Christ’s mandate to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” Matthew 22:39 |